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Peak oil alarm revealed by secret official talks

"Speculation that government ministers are far more concerned about a future supply crunch than they have admitted has been fuelled by the revelation that they are canvassing views from industry and the scientific community about...

Category: Energy sources


Climate: Afghanistan and Africa at risk from world food shortages

"Russian heatwave and floods in Pakistan threaten supplies for basic human diet"... ..."The report highlights climate change as having a "profound effect on global food security""

Category: Climate Change


Rising temperatures reducing ability of plants to absorb carbon, study warns

"Research shows warming over past decade caused droughts that reduced number of plants available to soak up carbon dioxide"

Category: Climate Change


Time to close the global energy gap

"It is time to close the global energy gap, say Carlos Slim and Kandeh K Yumkella. In this week's Green Room, they explain how universal access to modern energy sources can help make progress towards a number of Millennium...


Scottish scientists develop whisky biofuel

"By-products from distilling process could be used to power cars and even aviation, according to researchers in Edinburgh"

Displaying results 586 to 590 out of 2977